About us

Kizil Elma APS

The Kizil Elma APS association is an inclusive institution that carries out its activities with different target groups. With its activities in the fields of school education, adult education and youth, it supports the active participation of the participants in the lifelong learning process as well as helping them achieve their personal and professional development in order to achieve their goals.

One of the main objectives of our association is to create bridges between countries and nations to better contribute to Europe. To contribute to this goal, we prepare European projects on various topics such as cultural diversity, integration, the involvement of disadvantaged people, women, music, IT, digitalisation, sustainable tourism, new types of sport, gender equality and the promotion of creativity of young people.

The association is closely connected and collaborates with various public and private bodies at national and international level

The things that make this organization exceptional and ready to take responsibility are the fundamental principles: tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness.

Young people and volunteers are the strength of Kizil Elma APS and represent the most precious part of it. Our general target group is young people between the ages of 16 and 40, but we focus on all people in need of help and support. We would like to contribute to the development of civil society, youth work and promotion.

The association is registered in the regional register of social promotion associations of the Veneto Region. Registration number PS / VE0284.
The Kızıl Elma Association carries out different activities in its field in order to disseminate Erasmus+ projects and increase the motivation of young people. It is one of the few and honest working associations in the region. At the same time, Kızıl Elma Association is still looking for partners in the field and works with partners that they trust and have a lot of past experience. It aims to create a broad youth platform in Italy. In this direction, it selects Italian youth for Erasmus+ Youth projects managed in different countries by different organizations in Europe and sends them to these projects. Kızıl Elma’s project writing team applies not only to Erasmus+ youth projects, but also to different types of Erasmus+ projects. Although the project coordinator team, project development team and project finance team of the association are separate, the execution of the project works of the association is carried out without any problems. Kızıl Elma Association also organizes different activities locally. The donation supports painting exhibitions, agrituism and project writing trainings. The association, which has implemented 2 different Erasmus+ projects so far, has successfully completed these projects. In addition, it carries out its duty of partnership well in projects abroad.


Furthermore as a Training Center we organize courses for young people, adults and School Education Field of all levels of instruction. We have a very large and very specialized staff in different sectors such as ICT digital tools, entreprenuership, environment, tourisim, agriculture, bullying and cyberbullying, spor, school inclusion, social inclusion, disable etc.


We also plan to open all types of courses at the request of applicants.

The objectives and activities of the organization are:

build bridges between countries and nations to better contribute Europe. To contribute to this objective, we prepare European projects on different topics such as cultural diversity, integration, the involvement of disadvantaged people, women, music, IT, sustainable tourism, new types of sports, gender equality and the promotion of creativity of the Young people;


organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including publishing, to promote and disseminate the culture and practice of voluntary work and activities of general interest referred to in this article;


charity, distance support, free transfer of food or products pursuant to the law of 19 August 2016, n. 166, and subsequent modifications, or provision of money, goods or services in support of disadvantaged persons or activities of general interest pursuant to this article;


Organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panelsOrganizing international activities, joining foreign associations or organizations and carrying out activities in cooperation with these organizations and in aid;


Create platforms to achieve a common purpose with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas that are interesting for the purpose of the association and not prohibited by law;


Prepare all types of EU projects and local projects, also in cooperation with other institutions and organizations, which will be beneficial for the local population and the local area; supporting the promotion of civil society values, supporting the fight against crime and corruption, supporting the promotion of ecology and environmental protection;


You want to be a participant? Lets apply.